
3rd graders can expect to have homework each night.

Agendas will be updated daily with assignments, test dates, and projects.

I will sign agendas each day. Please check and sign your child's agendas each day as well.

Math: A practice sheet will be assigned in student math workbooks Monday-Thursday and occasionally on Friday. Students should review math facts on a daily basis.

Reading: Students should be reading at least 20 minutes at home EACH day. Nightly reading logs will NOT be sent home. Instead, this will be assessed through our "Status of the Class" routine, monthly independent reading assignments, and occasional check ins. Students should read the same book at home and in school until it is finished and then they can pick a new book to begin. Books can be borrowed from our classroom library. Please make sure books are being brought back and forth each day.

Science/Social Studies: Homework sheets will not be assigned on a regular basis, but students should review their notes daily. When assignments are given they will be written in students agenda.

Fundations: Homework may be sent home

Quiz/Test Corrections: At times, students will have the opportunity to make test corrections to earn back partial credit. These opportunities will be written in agendas. It will be each student's responsibility to utilize this opportunity.