
3rd graders can expect to have nightly homework. The general expectations are below, but it is necessary to check agendas on a daily basis for updated assignments, test dates, and projects. I will sign agendas each day. Please check and sign your child's agenda each day as well.

Homework should be completed neatly and it should show each students' best effort. Late and incomplete homework will affect trimester grades. Missed homework assignments should be completed and turned in the next day. If there is a valid reason why work could not be completed (funerals, hospital visits, etc), parents should contact me with an email or handwritten note.

How can parents help?

Help your child learn responsibility by making homework a priority. Provide your child with a quiet place to work that has all needed supplies. Establish a set homework time and praise your child's hard work and effort. Encourage your child to read and follow ALL directions and remind them to use given resources, such as class notes, tutorials, and math Reteaching pages/textbook.

Assigned Homework

Math: A practice sheet will be assigned in student workbooks Monday-Thursday (and sometimes Friday). Students should review math facts on a daily basis.

Reading: Students should be reading at least 20 minutes at home EACH day. Nightly reading logs will NOT be sent home. Instead, this will be assessed through our "Status of the Class" routine, independent reading assignments, and occasional check ins. Students should read the same book at home AND school until it is finished. They should then start a new one. Books can be borrowed from the classroom library. Please make sure books are being brought back and forth each day.

Science/Social Studies: Homework sheets will not be assigned on a regular basis, but students should review their notes daily. Occasional assignments will be given and written in student agendas.

Fundations: Homework may be sent home for review or extra credit on quizzes

Quiz/Test Corrections: At times, students will have the opportunity to make test corrections to earn back partial credit. These opportunities will be written in agendas. It will be each student's responsibility to utilize this opportunity.