Class Schedule

Ms. Melissa and Ms. Lori’s

Daily Schedule


8:30-9:00 arrival/ table top activities

9:00-9:15 large group/Hello song/review daily schedule

9:15-9:30 recess red playground (left side)

9:30-10:00 bathroom, handwashing and snack

10:00-10:15 whole group read aloud

10:15-11:15 small group centers

11:15-11:30 recess red playground (right side)

11:30-11:40 bathroom and handwashing/mindfullness

11:45- 12:15 lunch

12:15-12:30 Second Step or Science

12:30-12:50 Music and Movement or whole group game

12:50 wrap up/ pack up and goodbye

1:05-1:20 dismissal