Hoover and Roosevelt Speech and Language

Welcome! Aly Menty (Roosevelt) and Amy Cesar (Hoover/Roosevelt) can be reached by email with any questions.

amenty@melroseschools.com, acesar@melroseschools.com

At Home Practice:

While we do not expect you to implement speech therapy for your child during school closures, we do want to provide resources for you to practice skills at home.

To determine what your child should be practicing, please refer to your child's IEP for specific goals and objectives.

The following are some ideas:

Pick a book from Storyline Online or one from home and choose an activity based upon your child's needs:

  • Articulation: Find words with your child's target sound(s) and practice them. Older students can practice reading aloud with emphasis on target sounds. Mommy speech therapy has several free downloads for specific sounds to target.

  • Language: Practice answering questions about the story, retelling the events, describing the characters, identifying the problem or solution, discuss tricky vocabulary words.

  • Social Pragmatics: Describe the characters feelings or intentions. Discuss any expected or unexpected behaviors. Talk about the characters' plan and why they are doing the things they are doing. Have a conversation about the book after (discuss your different opinions).

  • Alternative/Augmentative Communication: Pick a few words to model while reading (e.g. turn the page, my turn, I don't like/like it, scary/silly/funny, specific vocabulary from the story).

  • Fluency: Practice retelling the story with smooth speech.

See below for further ideas and resources.

Core Words for AAC Users

Focus on modeling Core Words at home. These are words we use frequently in everyday communication, but are hard to “see”. Examples may include pronouns (I, you, it), question words (who, what, where), verbs (do, get, put), or adjectives (same, new, good).

This week’s challenge: Try modeling some core words while reading!

Previous weeks: bedtime

SpeechTherapyHomeHandoutsFREE (1).pdf

Coronavirus Social Story