Mrs. Perdomo's Website

"Why do we believe what we believe?"

Melissa Middle School


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2019-2020 Essential Question

We began the year with the essential question, "Why do we believe what we believe?" To explore this question, students surveyed a number of primary source documents, many of which are considered pillars of Western civilization. Among these documents are Plato's Euthyphro, the Magna Carta, Locke's Treatise on Man, and the Declaration of Independence. Throughout the course, I have shared with students that at some point in their adult lives, they will be thrust into situations where they will have to make choices, important choices. When those moments occur, it is important to know where one stands, to be able to articulate not only what one believes, but why. Students have learned throughout the course of the year to not only examine, but defend, their personal beliefs. They have learned to do so with grace, dignity, and respect for others. You would be amazed at the ability of these young people to discuss difficult topic with a level of civility adults can only dream of.