Q. Do you have on-campus training?

A. The Uni has limited space at the moment with the ever increasing number of students and sport clubs, so training will be off-campus. We will continue to work with the Uni to secure on-campus training in the future. If you enjoy Judo, please join in, stay on, and bring friends, the more interests we can get the more chance on-campus training will happen.

Q. Which training program should I take?

A. If you are interested in Judo training for fitness, personal development at a casual pace, or have a limited budget, the Community Training Program is recommended.

If you are after official recognition, or are a high performing player aspiring to an elite sporting career, wanting to get access to wider national and international competition opportunities and connections, and you can afford the cost, the Professional Training Program is for you.

Q. How many days a week should I train?

A. Once or twice a week are sufficient to start with especially if you are a student with heavy uni workload. Casual attendance is welcome and encouraged if you cannot commit to regular training.

Q. Can I go to all the classes in a training program?

A. You are welcome to try.  However Judo training is  intense so once or  twice a week  are recommended unless you are an elite athlete.

Q. There are many martial arts (and clubs) at the University? Why should I try Judo?

A. We recommend you try every art and club and find what suits you best. Judo as a martial art and sport is relatively more intense than others, but it is very fun to learn and rewarding. 

Register your TRIAL here

Q. I'm an absolute beginner, which class should I start?

A. You're welcome to go to the classes most suitable for your schedule, however, the Wednesday (6-7pm)  classes  at Zenyo Judo (96A Hoddle Street,  Abbotsford VIC 3067) would be the best place to start as a beginner.

If this is your first lesson with us, you can Register your TRIAL here

Q. I am already  training Judo  elsewhere, at other dojos/I am a veteran Judoka, can I be part of the club, do I need to pay a fee?

A. You're welcome  to be part of the club and come train with us at our affiliated  venues. If you wish to train at our venues, training fees apply as per normal paid members. If you  only wish to be part of the club for social connections/activity without training, you only need to pay the club fee ($20/semester).

Q. Will I become like.. John Wick if I train in Judo?

A. John Wick is fictional. You'll have to train in a lot of different combat sports to approximate what John Wick is supposed to be, and you might never get there. However, you'll become a bit more like John Wick, doing Judo, than if you don't do Judo at all :)