MEF International School, Istanbul

Weekly Newsletter

Talent Show

Fifty different students performed for their friends, parents and teachers in our Talent Show. The standard of performances was really high and it was obvious it was taken seriously and practised hard for. Our thanks to Ms Pelin, Mr Dennis and the support and technical teams who organised and ran the event.

Culture Club

These children have been working all last semester on the wonderful foyer displays you may have enjoyed. They have considered the international cultural events being celebrated around the world, and have chosen ones that fit our mission and vision to display in order to provoke discussion and thought. Thank you Culture Club.

Grade 4 Field Trip to the Aquarium

Grade 4 students have been exploring animal adaptations and the central idea that "Living things have unique characteristics that enable survival". They visited the aquarium to view first hand the variety of characteristics marine animals have.

Play based-learning in the ECC

The children are learning to develop their intellectual skills, thinking and creativity. Throughout play our students can explore different materials and possibilities. They grow as social individuals and learn the importance of team work, sharing and strategies to solve conflicts.

ECC Glass Factory field trip

Preschool and Prekindergarten students visited Cam Ocagi Vakfi glass factory as their end of unit celebration for the unit of inquiry they have been studying. They have been looking at ways we express ourselves and using their imaginations to explore their own ideas.

Get Caught Reading!

Parents please take a photo of your child reading somewhere - the more interesting and different the setting the better - and email it to Ms Heather for entry into the competition before Thursday January 31. Remember to add your child's name and grade.

SS Secondary Reading Week

The secondary school will be celebrating Reading Week January 28th - February 1st. Students will read a novel for pleasure each day for a minimum of 20 minutes, there will be games set up in the canteen, and some other activities are planned throughout the week.

Scenes from Secondary Student Assembly

Some of the highlights from the most recent Secondary Assembly including from left to right: Part of Model European Parliament Team; Volleyball Star; Senior Student Auction - Providing services to raise money for senior trip and a donation

MEF IS Volleyball: Reaching new heights after school

Our boys' and girls volleyball teams have been demonstrating technical brilliance in recent times that will translate into accomplishments

Trip to Florence

Ms. Blundon and Ms. Khan recently traveled to Florence, Italy, on an Art and Humanities themed trip with 13 students. They learned about the Renaissance, the Medici family, and the city's historical significance. They viewed famous artwork, including Michelangelo's and Leonardo Da Vinci's while observing the architecture.

SS MEF IS Boys' Basketball Team roars, while MEF IS Girls' Team narrowly misses a victory against IICS

IICS visited MEF IS on Thursday evening and quickly understood that winning at MEF IS isn't so easy. The MEF IS boys won a lopsided affair, showing its class, while the MEF IS girls (with barely enough players to field a team because the visitors had arrived late) nearly defeated IICS in a highly contested game.

Important Dates

Jan 28 - Feb 1 PS/SS Reading Week

Jan 30 Mother Tongue Drama production 1.10pm Big auditorium

Jan 30 PTA Meeting 2-3pm Teachers workroom (-1 Floor)

Feb 1 SS Report Cards distributed

Feb 6 PS Report Cards distributed

Feb 9 PS 3-way conferences

Feb 9 Parent-Teacher Conference 2 / SS IB Class Selection Orientation

Feb 9 PYP Parent Talk Workshop - Technology to Enhance Education, 9:00 am MEF Tech Lab

Feb 11 PYP Parent Talk workshop - Mathematics at MEF IS, 8.30am Middle Conference Hall

Feb 13-14 IB2 TOK Presentations

Feb 13-17 G5/MS ski trip

Feb 15 Professional Development Day (No School)


We inspire, nurture and challenge our learners to realise their unique potential.