There is a search feature - use the 'spyglass' symbol at the top right of the page>
This page is in two sections - An index to your 'Help Categories' followed by the Categories themselves.
Each 'Help Category' contains one or more 'questions' - click the ˅ to display the information that is available.
Click CAVH > Home to return to the main website.
Advertising Materials
Advertising via Coal Aston Village Hall ~ Leaflets, Posters, Banners etc.
In general, our very limited internal and external spaces are all reserved for use by the Village Hall for the Village Hall and those booking the Village Hall for their events and activities.
Please do not leave or place any Leaflets, Posters or Banners inside or outside the premises without permission.
Please do not call to ask us to change our rules as an exception to you.
If you are making a booking with us then we can sometimes provide extra marketing support. [See below for our Marketing Policy & Marketing Support]
Alcoholic Drinks
Alcoholic Drinks at Coal Aston Village Hall
The Licencing Law mean that all events that involve the consumption, provision or sale of Alcoholic Drinks must be approved by the Village Hall Management Committee.
Please read our "BYO Drinks T&Cs" explanation if planning an event where drinks are provided by the hosts and/or attendees can bring their own - typically celebrations and events with no bar provided.
Please read our "Bar provider T&Cs" explanation if one or more drinks are included in the ticket price and/or there will be any type of pay bar.
The answers provided when completing our "Booking Acceptance Form" are normally sufficient to allow approval of #1, (BYO Events).
For #2 type events that include the provision or sale of alcohol - copies of a relevant licence need to be provided.
Further details can be found on the Conditions of Letting on the website.
Bouncy Castles & Inflatable Entertainments
Bouncy Castles & Inflatable Entertainments at Coal Aston Village Hall
The RECOMMENDED Maximum height in the hall is 10.5 feet (3.2m) - EXCEPT near to the Lighting Rigs:
The 'Stage Lighting Rigs' are not moveable and the maximum height under and around them is ~ 8 feet (3.2m)
Taller inflatables might be possible in the central section, (up to 12 feet), as long as this is well away from the overhead projector.
Coal Aston Gala
When is the Coal Aston Gala
Coal Aston Gala takes place on the 1st Saturday in July.
For 2023 that will be July the 1st - more details here.
For 2024 that will be July the 6th etc. etc,
What time does the Gala Open
All stalls are set up for 11am and people start arriving about 11.30. The mayor opens gala at 1pm
Who do I contact to book a stall, pitch or space at Coal Aston Gala
In the first instance please email our Gala Team at
Children's Parties
Children's Party Bookings
The village Hall is ideal for your Children's Party - we even offer a discount for this type of party.
See our Room Hire Section.
See the Bouncy Castles & Inflatables FAQ section.
Coal Aston Concert information
The majority of concerts that take place at Coal Aston Village Hall fall into one of three categories:
Coal Aston Live concerts are organised and promoted by Scuppered on a monthly basis.
There are contact details and a message box on our contact page or you can go to www.scuppered.orgOccasional concerts, ceilidhs and dances are promoted by individual charitable and community organisations - check out our our home page to see upcoming events - use the contact details shown to get further information.
Details of concerts are NOT available from the Committee of Trustees or Booking Administration.Self promoted concerts where artists promote themselves on a shared risk basis - by arrangement with the committee.
Please use the general enquiries box on our contact page if you are wanting self-promote.
Coal Aston Village Hall, (the charity), does not promote it's own concerts apart from the above.
Tickets & Times
We try to ensure that contact details are provided for each and every event that takes place at Coal Aston Village Hall.
If you have queries about any event you will need to contact the promoter.
1. For Coal Aston Live, (i.e. Scuppered hosted), concerts contact via
2 For all other events contact the person or organisation provided on the event 'poster'
Our home page shows 'posters' for current and future events.
Click on any 'poster' for more information, links and/or contact details.
Contact Details
Why we need more than just an eMail and a Telephone to book.
Long Term Regular Bookings
Long Term Regular Booking Arrangements
The Village Hall enjoys a number of customers who have based or make regular bookings for their groups, classes, clubs, events and meetings.
We are aware that without some form of security that accommodations can be made - there is a risk in booking 3, 6, 12 or more months ahead which in some cases will be essential to you.
We have put together some advice for those wanting to make long term bookings at the Village Hall - See our Regular Bookings and our Conditions of Letting Advice.
Marketing Policy
Marketing Policy (since 2015)
The committee that runs the Charity responsible for Coal Aston Village Hall is aware that anyone who hires our facilities, for all the various activities and groups who use us, may appreciate any 'extra help' that we can offer.
We believe that by encouraging more groups, more people and more activities to take advantage of the facilities available then this a community benefit for everyone.
We can do for you using our Website and Facebook to increase your visibility on the internet
Your help would be required to supply us with the information about what you do, the benefits for those that attend and anything else that would encourage people to come along and join upWe can discuss ways in which by using the wider internet people can be attracted by 'free web advertising' of taster sessions' just to get them into the building and into your class or join your group.
By featuring you and what you do on our main website, and by creating and publishing regular Facebook events and with your help you will be visible to many more people – some of whom will become interested..
By letting us know more about what you do we hope that we can increase the numbers of people interested in your sessions
This is a free offer managed by volunteers meaning we cannot guarantee this service or it's results - only that we are interested in your success - helping you helps us!
If you are interested please contact us by email at the following address:
Marketing Support
Volunteer Marketing - An Explanation of what is possible but not guaranteed.
[based upon the Marketing Policy outlined above]
This is an Overview of what we may be able to provide for you Free of Charge!
Starting with a poster, (generally ~A4 sized), or any materials ~ see below, we will add your poster(s) to our website home page and may post it to our Facebook Page and/or our Google Business Account.
We may even host specific pages on our website covering you and your bookings in more detail if you make regular long term bookings with the village hall.If you already have one or more posters - we will accept them in any electronic format but preferably as .JPG or .PNG files.
Anything else we will convert to a .JPG format e.g. ~.PDF; Word Files; generally most other formats.
We can and do create & design 'posters' from your existing words and images but to repeat this is a free volunteer provided service - if you want to review and amend your design 'until its just right' then you need to get this work done by a professional service.
These 'posters' are free from us but we accept no liability if the contents are incorrect or result in subsequent costs to you.
If the images or content are not yours to use, (i.e. are subject to copyright), and result in any damages then these will need to be met by you.
If you have any organisational or other website links that can provide useful information to your prospective customers we will try to include them in an easy to use fashion.
When we design 'posters' for you they can be used by you for your own requirements:
You can copy and/or have them printed for noticeboards or use as required.
if reasonable they can be printed as A5 or A6 copies to be left in batches with local Tourist Information Offices or any other public sites that allow this to happen.
You can use the 'electronic files' wherever you wish.
Posters held on our website are removed once the event(s) or bookings they refer to are completed.
The position of a 'poster' on our website is not and cannot be chosen - however, we do try to maintain a rough order which is generally:
Topline covers the next set of one-off public events such as Concerts, Plays, talks etc.
Regular events such as Short Mat Bowling, Dog Training are generally fitted below the top line with every other type of notice often with the latest 'poster' nearer to the top.
We do not regularly 'monitor' the home page 'poster' section and can only respond to input from the hirer if they need to update or change their promotional material.
This is a free offer managed by volunteers meaning we cannot guarantee this service or it's results - we are here to help - we are interested in your success - helping you helps us!
If you are interested please contact us by email at the following address:
Village Hall Car Parking
There is a car park to the front of the hall for users of the hall and a larger council-owned car park to the rear.
Both are free - parking at the owner's risk.
Paying for your Bookings
When paying via your Bank for the first time you will need to enter the following information:
[subsequently you just select us]
Who you are paying: Coal Aston Village Hall cio
The Sort Code: 40-41-13
The Account Number: 80247073
Is this a Business: ~ tick this box
Your bank will check the details and, (if no mistakes), confirm us as a new PAYEE - your bank may ask you to perform other additional checks ~ banks vary!
You can then make payment to: Coal Aston Village Hall cio 40-41-13 80247073
Enter the amount from your Invoice, then enter the Invoice Number as the reference and complete your payment.
These details provided by Coal Aston Village Hall cio ~ VAT Reg. No.737 7245 10.
Your bank should be able to deal with your 'banking queries'.
If you have any queries about the invoice you can email us on or
contact us on 01246 912464.
Using Cheques - make cheques payable to Coal Aston Village Hall cio.
Please write the "CAVH - [Invoice_Number] and your name on the back.
Post cheques to Coal Aston Village Hall cio, (The Treasurer), Eckington Road, Coal Aston, Dronfield S18 3AX.
Deliver cheques into our Post Box situated outside to the right of the Main Doors.
Regular Activities
How do I find out about any Keep Fit or similar Classes
Our "Regular Activities" section provides a day by day overview of our regular activities and events.
Click on any activity to get the relevant contact details.
Stamp Fairs
When are your Stamp Fairs - I want to value some Stamps
There is a Stamp Fair on the THIRD Sunday of each month.
Please check our Regular Activities Section for current details: