High School Programs 

'SUP Student Division

The 'SUP Student Division consists of the Medway High School Students that are members of our coalition. These students carry out innovative projects & initiatives that prevent underage substance use. If interested, please email: info@supmedway.com 

Healthy Community, Healthy Youth! 

Here are examples of projects & initiatives that the group has accomplished: 

Kick Butts Day

'SUP Medway took three youth representatives to “Kick Butts Day” at the Massachusetts State House. This day, organized by the 84 Movement, serves as a national platform for education and advocacy around tobacco prevention, aiming to make positive changes in communities while combating the influence of tobacco and vaping industries. During the event, our youth engaged in a training session focused on effective communication with Massachusetts legislators. Following this, they had the opportunity to meet with our state representative, Jeffrey Roy, conveying to him the negative effects of these substances on our community's youth and discussing the prevention initiatives they have participated in with the ‘SUP Medway Coalition. Later in the day, they joined forces with youth from across the state in a rally against vaping and tobacco industries. 

Sticker Shock

In a move to prevent underage drinking during prom and graduation season, students from Medway High School, as part of the 'SUP Medway coalition, launched Project Sticker Shock, a community-focused prevention initiative. This effort is designed to discourage adults from giving minors access to alcohol. 

Press Release: StickerShockPressRelease

Youth Legislative Briefing

Under the sponsorship of Rep. Tacky Chan, high school students across MA were able to address multiples MA legislators on their concerns surroundin youth substance abuse. This State House briefing amplified the voices of our youth on this pressing issue.