IEP Resources

IEP Do's and Don't for the transition section:

*Always have student sign the invitation

*Independent living only if the team determines it is necessary

*Activities should be focused and designed to provide a thorough experience. For most students, it is recommended to have 2-4 activities. Keep in mind quality over quantity.

*Never use the word "opportunity" instead begin with, "this district will have Michael complete...."

*Transition service activities must link back to a goal

*Try to create at least one activity that shows that we know the unique characteristics of the student, in other words not every transition plan should look the same when they are reviewed by the administration or the state monitors

*Activities must be completed during the life of that IEP, they cannot be carried over from year to year so it is recommended to put two activities per section

*AATA section can be kept as a running record from year to year but clearly state school year, this assists the next grade level team or if the student moves.

*Transition services are not related services, it does not have minutes either

*In the AATA section it is very favorable to use the language from the future planning section by saying: "When discussing future planning with the family they shared that after graduation they would like......"

A national resource sharing center that assists with remote learning. This has over 200 thousand saves and 300 million views!

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition : This link provides direction in the area of the transition planning process, implementation of the transition section, and indicator 13 guidance/checklists.