
Our class will celebrate your child's birthday on _____________________. If you would like to send in a treat for the class, please choose an individually wrapped treat purchased from the store. Some of the kids also like to send in drink boxes/pouches. We have 20 children in the classroom. You can send the goodies into school with your child or drop it off in the office. Thanks!  Mrs. Woodruff

Half-birthday Celebrations!

The children that have a birthday in the summer have the opportunity to celebrate their half-birthday in school.  If you would like, you may send in a treat for your child’s half-birthday.  We will celebrate your child’s half-birthday on _____________________.  Please choose a treat purchased from the store that is easy to pass out and easy for the kids to eat.  Please don’t send in a birthday cake. Some of the kids also like to send in drink boxes/pouches.  We have 20 children in the classroom.  You may send the goodies into school with your child or bring them into the office.  Thanks!