Daily Schedule & Specials

Day 1: Art  

Day 2: P.E./Swim 

Day 3: Technology 

Day 4: Music  

Day 5: P.E./Swim 

Day 6: Library

*Swim Weeks: DATES TBA

7:40 Students Arrive 

Students are marked tardy after 7:50am. It is so important & helpful that your child arrives on time each day.  

Morning Meeting

Science/Social Studies

9:05-10:05 Specials


11:20-11:50 Lunch

12:30-1:00 AIS



2:40 Dismissal

If your child needs to go home a different way than normal, you MUST send in a written note with your signature.  Please include the date, Miss Jones, Grade 4 in the note. Do not call the office or send a Remind message for these changes, unless there is an emergency. 

Also, if your child is absent from school a written excuse is required when they return.