

All students are expected to attend all classes and ALL PROJECT AND PROPOSAL PRESENTATIONS. The last two days of class are mandatory.

Please contact the instructors in advance if you have an emergency and have to miss class.

Absence from class, especially on project and proposal presentation days, will significantly affect your class participation grade, and even more your learning experience.


40% Presenting & critiquing portions of weekly readings

20% Class attendance and participation

40% Final project (no exam)

Late homework will lose a point for each hour it is late after a one hour grace period. Each assignment is worth 10 points so after 10 hours it is a zero. The lowest homework grade for the semester will be dropped. If you have a medical or family emergency that threatens timely completion of your work, let the instructors know as soon as possible.

MIT Writing Center:

You are expected to write and speak in clear English, even if it is not your first language. Grades in this class include communication style as well as the ideas being communicated.

The Writing and Communication Center (12-132) offers free professional advice from published writers about oral presentations and about all types of academic, creative, and professional writing. To schedule an appointment, go to http://web.mit.edu/writing.

If you cannot find an open appointment slot, do not despair. There are always cancellations on the day of the appointment (sometimes as many as 15 cancellations in one day). Click on the Wait List (the blue strip that says “Is the time that you want already reserved?”. Whenever a cancellation occurs on that day, you will be automatically notified by email.

Because several people might receive that same message, go online ASAP to schedule that open spot; 96% of clients who want an appointment end up with one if they use the Wait List. If you can’t find an appointment, you can try dropping in or try the Online Tutor at http://web.mit.edu/writing/Center/onlinetutor.html .