Class Norms


Be a follower of school rules

Be considerate of others

Be honest

Be respectful

Be responsible

Be prepared for class

Be the best yo​u, you can be


  • 3 citations= Teacher/Student Conference and Parent Email/Phone Call

  • 5 citations = T/S Conference and Parent Email/Phone Call

  • 8 citations = T/S Conference, Detention, and Parent Email/Phone Call

When a student earns a citation, they must fill a form by stating what they are cited for, how they can change that behavior to meet school expectations, the date, and signature. Next, the student hands the citation in, the teacher checks it over, and then files it. If a student reaches 3 and 5 citations the parents/guardians will be contacted. If a students reaches 8 citations they will be given a detention and a parent/guardian will be contacted a 3rd time. Once a detention is given, a new set of citations will begin. All students start fresh each quarter with no citations.

Behavior Plan

  1. Friendly warning or reminder

  2. Behavior Citation will be issued

  3. Teacher/Student Conference

  4. Parent Involvement

Late Assignments

  • The student will be added to the list for missing work

  • The students will stay in for flex time/recess until the assignment is complete

  • If the students fails to stay in for flex time/recess a behavior citation will be issued

  • If the assignment is not turned in, it will be counted as a zero in the gradebook