Spanish || Flynn

¡Bienvenidos amigos!

Meet Ms. Flynn

I grew up in Stillman Valley, Illinois where I attended a high school that was similar to Medford. In 2016, I moved to Dallas, Texas where I attended the University of Texas at Dallas. I majored in Visual & Performing Arts - Theatre and minored in Spanish. After my freshman year, I studied abroad in Oaxaca, Mexico, where I lived with a host family, studied at the Instituto Cultural de Oaxaca, and explored Latin American history and culture.

After college, I returned to Stillman Valley where I worked as a full-time substitute teacher, interventionist, and tutor. During the summer of 2021, I moved to Medford and spent my summer getting to know the area and preparing my classroom.

In my free time, I enjoy working in theatre (both onstage and behind-the-scenes), crafting (sewing, crocheting, and random DIY), and spending time with my cats (Noodle & Doris). I'm looking forward to getting to know my students and learning as much as possible this year!