Kindergarten Benchmarks

Academic Skills

Is your child learning the kindergarten benchmarks to get him or her ready for first grade? These are some academic skills that your child needs to master, in Kindergarten, in order to be successful entering first grade.


Retells sequence of events in a story (6 parts)

Identifies names of letters in random order

Produces sounds of consonant letters

Hears identical beginning sounds

Hears ending sounds

Reads all core words

Produces and hears rhyming words

Blends sounds into words

Reads simple words

Reads simple sentences

Demonstrates knowledge of vowel sounds


Prints first and last name

Prints all uppercase and lowercase letters

Begins to write using letters, sounds, and words and can use inventive spelling


Identifies seven basic 2-D shapes

Identifies four basic 3-D shapes

Constructs a 3 part pattern

Makes sets to 30

Recognizes numbers to 30

Writes numbers to 30

Adds sets of numbers with a sum no greater than 10

Subtracts sets of numbers with the difference no greater than 10

Compares sets using greater than, less than, or equal

Compares two numerals

Social Studies/Science

Recites full name (First, middle, last)

Recites days of the week

Identifies the 4 seasons

Fine Motor Skills

Can button/zip

Can tie shoes

Controls a pencil/scissor

If you have any questions regarding these benchmarks, please contact myself or Dan Miller by phone or email. Thank you!

Kindergarten Core Words for the Year

Core Words