Unit 8

Industrialization and Development

Weeks 29 - 32

April 1 - April 29

Essential Questions

  • How did industrialization begin and what were the effects?
  • What are the different economic sectors and how are they characterized?
  • How do certain variables influence the location of manufacturing?
  • What are the measures of social and economic development?
  • What is the Human Development Index, and why is it useful to geographers?
  • How does the role of women change as a country develops economically?
  • What are some of the challenges women face in the workforce?
  • What are microloans and how are they used?
  • What major theories explain spatial variations in development?
  • How do government initiatives affect economic development?
  • What is the global impact of outsourcing and economic restructuring?
  • What are sustainable development policies and what purpose do they serve?

I can...

  • Explain how the Industrial Revolution facilitated the growth and diffusion of industrialization.
  • Explain the spatial patterns of industrial production and development.
  • Describe social and economic measures of development.
  • Explain how and to what extent changes in economic development have contributed to gender parity.
  • Explain different theories of economic and social development.
  • Explain causes and consequences of recent economic changes such as the increase in international trade, deindustrializaiton, and growing interdependence in the world economy.
  • Explain how sustainability principles relate to and impact industrialization and spatial development.


  • SS.Geog3.a.h - Evaluate in both current and historical context how the prospect of gaining access to resources in contested zones creates competition among countries.
  • SS.Geog3.a.h - Assess how and why consumption of resources (e.g., petroleum, coal, electricity, steel, water, food) differs between developed and developing countries now and in the past.