Medford PLTW Open House

Introduction to Engineering (IED) - Mr. Gasser

Introduction to Engineering (IED) - Mr. Swedlund

Principles of Engineering (POE) - Mr. Gasser

Environmental Sustainability (ES) - Mr. Swedlund

Civil Engineering & Architecture (CEA) - Mr. Gasser

Engineering Design & Development (EDD) - Mr. Swedlund


7th annual PLTW open house

More than 50 community members attended the April 24, 2019 PLTW Open House to show the accomplishments of the Medford Area Senior High PLTW program. The 7th annual PLTW open house evening started with two EDD prototype presentations. The two teams of students showcased the design process of the (1) "Rod Box" and the (2) "Nature Nugget". Members of the Medford community then visited and engaged in student led discussions/demonstrations of PLTW course activities in the PLTW classroom. The evening concluded with snacks and celebration of an outstanding year in the PLTW program.

“Project Lead the Way has enabled me to apply skills I’ve learned in math and science into fun and challenging projects. PLTW has lead me to an aerospace engineering major at Wichita State University, and has kept me engaged and motivated in all of my classes. I recommend these classes to anyone who wants to learn new things and be challenged in a fun and educational way.” Graduate Samuel Lindow (2019)


6th annual PLTW open house

More than 40 community members attended the May 2, 2018 PLTW Open House to show the accomplishments of the Medford Area Senior High PLTW program. The 6th annual PLTW open house evening started with two EDD prototype presentations. The two teams of students showcased the design process of the (1) "Countertop Cummerbund" and the (2) "Average Joe-Climber". Members of the Medford community then visited and engaged in student led discussions/demonstrations of PLTW course activities in the PLTW classroom. The evening concluded with snacks and celebration of an outstanding year in the PLTW program.

“For as long as I can remember, it has been my dream to become an engineer. Through PLTW, I was able to take my first steps into the world of engineering. Not only was I able to learn a plethora of new skills, including fundamental engineering principles, CAD design, programming, and genetic engineering, I was able to determine the engineering path most suitable for me. Because of this, I’ve enrolled in a PLTW course every year of my high school career. I would highly recommend these classes to anyone, even those with a career interest outside the engineering field." Graduate Alec Veal (2018)

“The four Project Lead the Way courses I have taken over the years have prepared me greatly to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison this fall. PLTW takes college-level thinking, as well as curriculum, and provides it to high school students in practical applications." Graduate Payton Nelson (2018)


5th annual PLTW open house

More than 65 community members attended the May 3, 2017 PLTW Open House to show the accomplishments of the Medford Area Senior High PLTW program. The 5th annual PLTW open house evening started with three EDD prototype presentations. The three teams of students showcased the design process of a (1) "Monster Toy Box", (2) a "fumble" prevention football and (3) a laser guide for a chain saw . Members of the Medford community then visited and engaged in student led discussions/demonstrations of PLTW course activities in the PLTW classroom. The evening concluded with snacks and celebration of an outstanding year in the PLTW program.

“All five PLTW classes took me to every corner of engineering from architecture to genetics. I have learned more in these classes than I have in any other subject. Because of these classes, I have a HUGE jump start in college compared to students who didn’t take any PLTW classes. " Graduate Spenser Scholl (2017)

“After taking the five PLTW courses, I have discovered that engineering is something that I want to do for the rest of my life. Had it not been for PLTW, I most likely would have never considered engineering as a career choice. I’m grateful for the opportunities that my high school has given to guide me with deciding my future.“ Graduate Rebecca Held (2017)

"PLTW builds upon the general STEM curriculum at MASH and allows students to apply scientific concepts in order to truly experience the engineering design process." Graduate Richard Colwell (2017)


4th annual PLTW open house

More than 40 community members attended the May 23, 2016 PLTW Open House to show the accomplishments of the Medford Area Senior High PLTW program. The evening started with one EDD prototype presentation. The team of students showcased their design process of a computer / mobile device cord organizer to be carried in their backpack or in a small carry-on travel bag. The team's presentation was followed by a question / answer session from audience members and local engineers.Members of the Medford community then visited and engaged in student led discussions/demonstrations of PLTW course activities in the PLTW classroom. The evening concluded with snacks and celebration of an outstanding year in the PLTW program.

"PLTW isn't an ordinary type of curriculum. It opens your eyes and mind to a new world of education. It builds your skills not only though a range of experiments, but in researching new topics daily. The skill set that you develop will always benefit you." Graduate, Chelsea Rausch (2016)


3rd annual PLTW open house

More than 60 community members attended the May 18, 2015 PLTW Open House to show the accomplishments of the Medford Area Senior High PLTW program. Members of the Medford community rotated through 10 minute stations (classrooms) and engaged in student led discussions/demonstrations of PLTW course activities. Members of the Medford community then visited and engaged in student led discussions/demonstrations of PLTW course activities in the PLTW classroom. Both team's presentations were followed by a question / answer session from audience members and local engineers.

"Thank you for inviting Taylor Credit Union to the Project Lead the Way open house. I attended the event, last night, and I found it very interesting. It was wonderful to see the excitement of the students as they explained and demonstrated their projects. I can now tell people that I have actually seen and touched (with a stick) the DNA of a strawberry. How cool is that?!" Debra A Woods , President/CEO, Taylor Credit Union


2nd annual PLTW open house

More than 60 community members attended the May 19, 2014 PLTW Open House to show the accomplishments of the Medford Area Senior High PLTW program. Members of the Medford community rotated through 10 minute stations (classrooms) and engaged in student led discussions/demonstrations of PLTW course activities. The stations included the following activities: (1) POE marble sorters, (2) BE greenhouse aquaponics/hydropponics, (3) IED demonstrating Autodesk Inventor and the high school's 3-D printer, and (4) BE illustrating forensic techniques used in a crime scene. The evening concluded with a 40 minute presentation of a prosthetic wrist developed by a team of three students in the EDD class. The team of 3 students showcased their design process of a prosthetic wrist followed by a question and answer session.


1st PLTW open house

The PLTW high school program "Pathway To Engineering" (PTE) is a sequence of courses, which follows a proven hands-on, real-world problem-solving approach to learning. Throughout PTE, students learn and apply the design process, acquire strong teamwork and communication proficiency. Students also develop organizational, critical-thinking, and problem-solving skills. They discover the answers to questions like: (1) How are things made? and (2) What processes go into creating products? Students use the same industry-leading 3D design software used by companies like Intel, Lockheed Martin and Pixar. Students apply biological and engineering concepts related to biomechanics – think robotics. They design, test and construct devices while working collaboratively on a culminating capstone project. It’s STEM education and it’s at the heart of today’s high-tech, high-skill global economy.