Copyright Info.

Plagiarism can be intentional but many times it is unintentional. Prevent unintentional plagiarism by giving credit where credit is due. Use the resources below to learn about when and how you can use resources in research. If you have questions about which sources can be used or how to give credit to them, the library staff is here to help.

Image of Plagiarism Definition:  the practice of taking someone else's work and claiming it as your own
Medford Raiders Logo with Link to MASH Academic Honesty Policy

Outlines the district's policy on academic honesty and plagiarism

Copyright Logo with Link to Stanford University's Web Page about Fair Use

Find out if use of intellectual property falls under "Fair Use"

Library of Congress Logo with Link to Library of Congress Copyright FAQs for Students

Are you wondering if you can use a source in your research for school? Check out the LOC's FAQs on copyright.

Medford Raider Logo with Link to the District's Copyright Policy

Outlines the district's policy regarding copyright and infringement