
1. Flexible Work spaces: Learning Commons, Hallway, Cafeteria, Library, Classroom

  1. We have an educational purpose for being here
  2. We do what is best for our own learning
  3. We are respectful of other’s learning styles and spaces
  4. We use quiet voices for only our group to hear
  5. We leave our learning space neat and tidy

What it looks like:

  1. Have materials
  2. Working on task
  3. Inside Voices (should not be distracting other people outside group)

2. Chromebooks- A tool for learning

  1. Only use your chromebook (carry with you to all classes)
  2. Carry with two hands and store responsibly
  3. Do not change any default settings
  4. Stay focused on the task at hand
  5. Charge each chromebook at the end of each day
  6. Shut down on Fridays and unplug from wall

3. Before and After School Expectations

  • If you arrive before 7:40
    1. Go to the gym or cafeteria
    2. Work on schoolwork
    3. Eat breakfast in cafeteria
  • 7:30-7:45
    1. Work with teacher
  • 7:40-7:52
    1. Go to locker/homeroom
    2. Get organized
    3. Turn in late or absent work
    4. Talk with friends
  • 7:52-8:20
    1. Attendance is taken: If your teacher says you are tardy you must check-in at the office and receive a late pass to give to your teacher. You will be marked tardy for the day.
    2. Respectfully watch announcements in homeroom
  • After school
    1. If you are waiting for a ride after 3:20, you must be in the front lobby
    2. The gym is not open after school
    3. Plan ahead to get help from a teacher after school

4. Breaks- Time to recharge

  • Examples: Go for a quiet walk around the 5th grade block, use restroom, get hydrated, stretch, silent calisthenics

5. AP Flex

  • Time to work on school work, practice skills, read quietly, meet with teachers. Catch-up time: If you have any missing school work or you would like extra work time.

6. Lockers

  1. No eating at locker
  2. No sharing of food
  3. All devices must be kept in locker
  4. Snacks are to be eaten in classroom

7. Recess

  • All students are either outside(gym if indoor recess), or in classroom with teacher.