Medford Middle School

Community Read

Welcome to the Middle School Community Read being hosted by the middle school libraries.

All middle school community members (students, staff, and families) are invited to read one of this year's community read books in the Wonder book series by R.J. Palacio: Wonder and the new companion book, Auggie and Me. (We recommend that you start with the book "Wonder" if you have not read that yet.)

Read the book, participate in the community read Google classroom and other program activities, and come to the community read event. For complete rules and details, please see the "Program Requirements" page (in navigation bar above).

Copies of the book can be found in the McGlynn and Andrews middle school libraries.

This program is funded by the Andrews Middle School PTO, the McGlynn Middle School PTO, Medford Educational Foundation, and Medford Public School Libraries. Many thanks to these groups for making this program possible.