Physics Classes

The two Physics classes are meant to be an introduction to Physics for people with limited prior exposure. It will provide a framework to gain a fully applicable general knowledge of physical concepts, methodologies and tools to see Biology in a new light.

MU4BM011 Biological Physics

This class consists of a tour of physics principles as they pertain to the explanation of biological questions. It will provide the students with a physical framework to understand and evaluate biological questions. Particular attention will be given to quantitative assessments of biological systems with emphasis on seminal and current experiments alike.

More details about the class can be found here.

MU4BM012 How Instrumentation illuminates Biology at micro/macroscales

Recent progress in technologies and physical approaches have revolutionized our view on life. Computational and physical models are describing increasingly better the dynamics of living matter at all scales from molecular, cellular, tissular and even full organ scales thanks to the access to quantitative data and their analysis. Several physical concepts from phase separation and self-organized pattern formation are now identified as influencing if not ruling the biological world, in combination with biochemical signals and genetics. This lecture aims at training a new generation of biologists on experimental design at the interface between Physics and Biology, with a strong focus on mechanical concepts behind quantitative measurements and instrumentation used in research, with the objective to design innovative experiments where physical phenomena are at play to illuminate the processes under study and collect useful information necessary to understand, describe and model biological systems. This training will provide a toolbox for the study of living systems for an ample range of questions and at different scales that are interrelated and interconnected.

More details about the class can be found here.