Worship – March 29


Here's what you do here:

  1. Thank God for technology that lets us worship together in our homes to consider his word and sing his praise.

  2. Scroll through this order worship. Play the songs provided and sing together. Play the video for announcements and sermon.

  3. Participate the best you can. We know this is different, but our souls need participatory worship.

Opening & Announcements

  • Meadow Creek Families! As we move to online worship for the coming weeks we want to equip you to study scripture and grow together as a family to redeem the time. Please enjoy this website with youth/children lessons and feel free to contact Nathan with any additional questions: nathan@meadowcreekchurch.org | 612.475.8696

  • Adult Sunday school is still happening in the coming weeks. Look for information to come in the e-news Friday.

  • Membership Class: Join us April 8, 6:30-8:30pm online. We will cover biblical church membership, as well as our Declaration of Faith, Church Grace Covenant, and Bylaws. Sign up by contacting the church office at 763-427-4543 or tammy@meadowcreekchurch.org and we will send you a link to join the online class.

3-29 Welcome & Prayer.mp4

Songs of Praise


Please click here to give your offering. Praise God how he provides for us!


Dying to Love Like Jesus

  1. Love Lays Down Its Life

    • The Life of Christ

    • The Life of Christians

  2. Love Gives Away Its Stuff

  3. Love Acts Out Its Message

    • Not in word or talk

    • But in deed and truth


Closing and Benediction -3.29.20.mp4