Meet our Speech Language Pathologists

(CliCK your Child's Therapist to Learn more about them)

Dalana Wilcox (FPS)

Jeni Compton

 (David T. Wilson)

Mimi Wilson 


Laura Straney (BHP)

Beth Shell (FES)

Mallory Brandenburg (BHP)

Alexis Raymer (Ekron)

Kelly Butler (Preschool)

Melissa Zoppetti (Payneville)

Cheryl Vanover

Kathryn Wilcox (BHP)

Sandy Messenger (FPS)

Click on your child's school to learn more about what is going on in speech.

Meade Co Schools

Speech Therapy

What is Speech? What is Language? What's the Difference? 

Speech Sound Production



Reading is one of the best ways to practice speech and language skills at home! 

What can you do to make reading an even more language rich experience? 

Monthly Vocabulary and Language Activities