Keva Planks

Keva Planks

This tub includes enough pieces for a class or large group.

No glue or connectors required - simply stack wood plants to create buildings, bridges, sculptures, physics challenges, STEM lessons and so much more.


Keva Planks Website

Lesson plans

Keva Planks Lesson Plans

"Children who play with blocks tend to do better in mathematics and science. Physically handling the blocks builds a fundamental understanding of quantities, equality, geometry, etc. Research is revealing the importance of playing with blocks. The University of Idaho has done some great work in this area. You can read more about the benefits of blocks and find useful tips at their website or on our page The Benefits of Blocks.

For some kids, hands-on kinesthetic learning is the only way. For all kids, it's the fun way."


      • Hands-on problem solving

      • Engineering and design

      • Spacial & fine motor skills

      • Self-confidence