Contact the Wren Ave. librarian

Ms. Mullen, Teacher Librarian

  • I am available at Wren Ave on Mondays and Tuesdays every week.

  • While I am often responsive to email at all times of the day, please do not expect a reply after 5pm.

About me

Being a librarian has been my dream since I was a young child, when I set up a "circulation desk" in my bedroom closet and checked out books to my stuffed animals. I have been working in education since 1999, first as a classroom teacher in San Francisco and later as a Teacher Librarian. I took a break from teaching to take care of my own young children in 2002. During that time when I my kids were little, we spent a lot of time at the public libraries, reading books and listening to stories. In 2007, when my youngest child was still in diapers, I decided to go back to library school. After spending 4 years in library school, I graduated with both my MLIS and my Teacher Librarian credential. I worked for 5 years as a Teacher Librarian in San Francisco before coming here to Mt. Diablo Unified. I feel blessed to work in several wonderful elementary schools. I feel as though it is my calling to share books and stories, research skills, and knowledge with all of my amazing students. Being a school librarian is truly my dream job! When I am not working, I enjoy bird watching, gardening, cooking, watching old, black and white movies, and of course, reading!