Foothill Middle School

Mr. Jackson

Classroom B3

6th Grade Earth, Life & Physical Science, Engineering, Environmental Literacy & Sustainability, Ecological Literacy "Eco-Literacy" & Ocean Literacy

"Hogwarts" School of Science & Engineering:


MDUSD & Walnut Creek, CA

6th Grade:

Earth, Life, & Physical Science/Engineering

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Science & Engineering Practices (SEPs), Cross-Cutting Concepts (CCCs), Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), & Environmental Principles & Concepts (EP&Cs)

Science Year Long: Guiding Concept

Systems within Organisms & between them are adapted to Earth's Climate Systems.

Science/Engineering Instructional Segments

1st Quarter

Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs): Scientific Procedures, Lab Safety Protocols, Scientific Language, Scientific Method (Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (ClEvR or CER)), NGSS, EP&Cs (Environmental Sustainability Standards), Metric Measurement, Controls & Variables

2nd Quarter

Instructional Segment 1: Systems & Subsystems in Earth and Life Science

*How are living systems and Earth systems similar and different?

*What is the value of creating a systems model?

*What makes organisms so similar to but also different from their parents?

*What makes animals behave the way they do, and how does their behavior affect their survival and reproduction?

Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs): Living versus Nonliving, Characteristics of Life, Biosphere 1 & 2 - Biosphere, Biome, Ecosystem, Community, Species/Population, Individual/Multicellular/Single-Celled/Whole Organism, Organ Systems, Organs, Tissues, Cells, Molecules, Atoms, Microscopes, Investigations of Systems within Microscopic Organisms (Cells), Cellular Structures, Functions, and Processes, Organization of Life, Tissues, Organs, Organ Systems, & Whole Organism, Human Body Systems - Interactions of Body Systems, Nervous System (Body's Response to Stimuli), Genetics, Heredity, Inheritance & Variation of Traits

3rd Quarter

Instructional Segment 2: Earth System Interactions Cause Weather

*Why is the weather different in different parts of California?

*How is weather related to the transfer of energy?

*How do models help us understand the different kinds of weather in California?

Instructional Segment 3: Causes and Effects of Regional Climates

*Why is the climate so different in different regions of the planet?

*Why are organisms so different in different regions of the planet?

Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs): Earth Systems - Geosphere, Atmosphere, Hydroshpere, Cryosphere, Biosphere, Thermodynamics, Thermal Energy Transfer (Conduction, Convection, & Radiation), Energy, Water Cycle, What's In Water, The Atmosphere, Weather & Oceans.

4th Quarter

Instructional Segment 4: Effects of Global Warming on Living Systems

*How do human activities affect Earth systems?

*How do we know our global climate is changing?

Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs): Living Systems (Review of Biosphere 1 & 2 {Biome Project}) - Effects of Global Warming (Global Climate Change) on Living Systems - Climate, Climate Change, Plant & Animal Structure, Climate Regions & Organisms, Genetics vs. Environment, Human Impact

Google Classroom Digital Worksheets:

Google Classroom:

Pd. 7: (Code: 96va1p9) Science & Engineering

Pd. 2: (Code: bv19t17) Science & Engineering

Pd. 3: (Code: cmz532) Science & Engineering

Pd. 4: (Code: b15s8u) Science & Engineering

Pd. 5: (Code: 4j3gpmi) Science & Engineering

Pd. 1 Q1: (Code: 8bnnpp7) Engineering Elective Q1

Pd. 1 Q2: (Code: 2kth17) Engineering Elective Q2

Pd. 1 Q3: (Code: zvtuco) Engineering Elective Q3

Pd. 1 Q4: (Code: tv7zs3r) Engineering Elective Q4

Pd. 8: (Code: jcqro9k) Advisory




Mindstorm (LEGO) Robotics Club meets every Monday & Thursday

from 2:45 pm - 5:00 pm in Classroom B3.

The Second Meeting & Tryouts are on Monday, August 27th @

2:45 pm - 5:00 pm in B3.

Meetings are held twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays until the competition sometime in the end of November 2018, but before Thanksgiving Break.

There is an opportunity to participate in the off-season and attend a scrimmage with another team in the Bay Area sometime in February or March of 2019.

If you have any questions, please see Mr. Jackson.

Print out the Mindstorm Robotics Club sign-up form located as a sub-heading within the LEGO Mindstorm Robotics heading at the bottom of this website.


Environmentally Concerned Kids (ECK) Club.

The ECK Club meets every Tuesday from 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm in Classroom B3.

The First Official Meeting is on Tuesday, August 28th from 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm in Classroom B3.

Please help the Foothill Griffin Community reach 80% Landfill Reduction by 2019.

If you have any questions, please see Mr. Jackson.