Digital Citizenship

Treat Others Like You Want Them to Treat You - Online

When you learn online, you will be communicating with teachers, working with friends, and looking for information. That's why it is very important to use the internet and learning apps properly. When you make comments in writing to your classmates or teachers write clearly and politely. Make sure you re-read what you write and ask yourself,

"Does this comment say what I want it to say?"

"Does it make sense?"

" Will other students and adults understand what I am saying?"

"Would I want to receive a comment like this?"

Remember, writing to someone online is the same as talking to them in person. Think about the people reading your comments. Make sure you are not being rude - that hurts! And makes you look silly! Write the kind of clear, thoughtful messages online that you yourself would want to receive.

Watch this Brainpop video about Digital Citizenship