
Hi there! My name is Ms. Rhode. This is the web page for the Trenton School Reading Room. Feel free to have a look around and explore the resources below.

Epic! is a digital library with over 40,000 titles for children ages 12 and under. The collection includes print, audiobooks and videos of favorite stories and topics.

Looking for a good read aloud? Storyline Online is the place to go!

Reading Rockets is a national multimedia literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read and how caring adults can help.

We love Danny! Danny the dog and his best friend bee are the stars of a series of books for young readers.

Questions? Concerns? Or maybe you have a great book to recommend!

Happy to help, if I can! And I'd love to hear about a good book you're reading.

Feel free to contact me by email arhode@mdirss.org