K-2 PE



Relay Races - Get your family together, mark out a start and finish and make up groups and do some relay races.

Beach Volleyball - Find a volleyball or ball similar or even a balloon, play with a partner or a goup and see how long you can keep the item up in the air or if you can play a game of volleyball, trying to hit the item back and forth over a net. If you don't have a net, place something on the ground like a rolled up blanket that would act as a net.


Week of June 1-June 5

This is the last week of school! This week's theme is the BEACH!! Below are some ideas of games/activities you could play/do if you were at the beach. Enjoy!

Fly a Kite - wait for a windy day, get a kite and find some space and see if you can fly a kite

Throw a Frisbee or a Ball - Find a partner and get a ball or a frisbee and play pass - with the ball you could throw or kick.



Nature Scavenger Hunt - Go for a walk with your family and see if you can find all of these items or have a little competition to see who can find the most items!

I Spy - Go outside in your yard or go for a walk or hike with your family and play I Spy. See who can spy some different items, make it challenging for everyone to find the items you are spying!

Flashlight Tag - This game is played when it is dark or close to being dark outside or you can also play in your house with the lights off. Decide who is going to be IT, that person hides their eyes and counts to a high number while everyone else hides. When they have reached the high number they may begin to seek the people hiding. If the tagger shines the light on you, you have been found and now you are out of the game. The last one to be found is the next person to be IT!

Week of May 25-May 29

This week there will be a theme of camping. Kindergarten and 1st graders are doing this theme with Mrs. Stanley and Mrs. Hodgdon. I have placed some ideas of games or activities you could do if you were camping. Enjoy!!


Pillow Case Relay

k-2 Pillow Case Relay.mov

Week of May 18-22

This week, please watch the video of Ella demonstrating how to do the Pillow Case Relay. For this relay you will need a pillow case, or something similar and some stuffed animals to jump over. Please ask an adult permission to use a pillow case and please make sure you are on a carpet or a grass surface when doing this relay in case you fall. Round 1 of the relay is you marking a start and finish and timing yourself to see how long it takes you to jump from start to finish or you can start, go to the opposite end and back. You can also race against a family member or time yourself for 1 minute and see how many down and backs you can get. Round 2 will involve the same course but you will place stuffed animals for you to jump over. Please make sure your stuffed animals are spread out enough so that you have enough space to jump over and land safely.

Random Acts of Fun - I hope you were able to pick one or two things off the table below to try. I challenge you to find at least two this week to try.

Random Acts of Fun.pdf


Head, Shoulders, Knees & Cone

Week of May 11-May 15

This week I have posted a video that involves you having a partner to challenge. This game is called Head, Shoulders, Knees & Cone. You can change Cone, to whatever you put on the ground between you and your opponent, in the video it is a stuffed animal. You will need a third person to say the cues. You will follow along with what they say and touch that part, when you hear them say the name of the item between you and your opponent you try and grab the item before your opponent does.

Random Acts of Fun - Below is a table with ideas of ways to have fun. I challenge you to try at least two of these ideas this week. Send me pictures or videos of you trying new things!

Random Acts of Fun.pdf


Stuffed Animal Relay

K-2 Week5.mov

Week of May 4-May 8

This week's video involves using a stuffed animal or a ball. Your task is to mark out two lines that are roughly 10 feet apart (get an adult to help you with this), you will then take the object of your choice and place it between your feet and jump to the opposite line to score a point. Every time you touch a line you get a point. You are trying to see how many points you can score in 1 minute. Challenge a family member to see who can get the most points! You could also make this into a relay with a family member. You could take turns jumping with the item from line to line, maybe challenge another pair in a friendly relay race! This would be best done outside, but inside will work too, as long as you have plenty of space.

Another Challenge:

This week I want to challenge you to get outside (weather permitting) every day. Maybe you go for a bike ride, go for a walk or just go sit outside and take in the fresh air. Send me a picture of what you have been doing outside!


Tossing & Catching Challenges

K-2 Week 4.mov

Week of April 27-May 1

This week's video has some tossing and catching challenges. As you will see in the video, Ella and I will demonstrate a challenge that requires a partner as well as a challenge that can be done individually. For these challenges you can use a small ball, a small stuffed animal or a sock with knots tied in it. If you are tossing and catching inside, please be cautious and always demonstrate self control. Tossing outside is best so that you can challenge yourself to see how high you can toss and still be able to catch as well as it gives you lots of room to move away from your partner. Always remember to track the ball with your eyes when catching, use two hands and when tossing, step with the opposite foot towards your target. Find different ways that you can challenge yourself, it doesn't mean that you will always be successful every time!

Other Fun Ideas:

  • Jump Rope

  • Create an obstacle course

  • Ride your bike

  • Go for a walk/run

  • Play with your dog

  • Have a race with a family member

  • K-4 PE Bingo Card #2


Parachute Fun!

K-2 Week 3.mov

Week of April 13-April 17

This week's video shows you how to use a towel or blanket like a parachute. So grab a partner (a parent or sibling), a blanket, a towel or even a sheet and some soft objects to fly to the ceiling or sky from your parachute (small stuffed animals, foam balls or rolled up socks). Before doing so make sure you ask your parents and make sure you are somewhere safe where you will not break anything! Outside is the best, but if you can't, somewhere in your house that has taller ceilings. ENJOY! I would love to see videos or photos of you enjoying this activity!

Links for other fun activities:

Cosmic Yoga

Go Noodle

April Fitness Calendar

Click the link below to check out the BINGO card. See how many different ways you are able to get BINGO! Send me some pics of the different ways you are staying active!

K-4 PE Bingo Card #2


Animal Movements

K-2 Week #2.mov

Week of April 6 -April 10

Watch the video as Ella shows you how to do the animal movements in the 10 Minute Kids Workout. Try to do each move for 40 seconds and then take a 20 second rest in between each movement.

Links for other fun activities:

Cosmic Yoga

Go Noodle

April Fitness Calendar


Movement Spinner

K-2 Video Week 1.mov

Week of March 30-April 3

Watch the video to see how to make your own Movement Spinner. Play with a family member or by yourself. Enjoy!

Movements on my spinner -
  • Crab Walk for 1 minute
  • Dance for 30 seconds
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • Hop on one foot for 20 seconds and switch
  • Run/Jog in place for one minute
  • Free Choice
  • Skip/Gallop for 45 seconds
  • Balance on one foot for 20 seconds and switch feet

Links for other fun activities:

Cosmic Yoga

Go Noodle

April Fitness Calendar