
Trash for Art: materials to save for making great art!

  • paper - newspapers, magazines, junk mail, envelopes, old bills and receipts that can be cut up, used wrapping paper

  • cardboard - corrugated, cereal box and cracker box packaging, cardboard drink containers (wash and rinse), TP and paper towel tubes, any other cardboard packaging that we can make stuff with

  • plastic - milk jugs, detergent containers (#2 type plastic), produce containers and packaging (like salad greens boxes or mushroom containers), dishes, lids, etc.

  • snack bags, especially the foil-lined ones (instructions for cleaning and using)

  • food waste - egg shells for mosaics, onion skins, carrot, beet and red cabbage peels and leaves for making paint.

  • old crayons and dried up markers

  • bottle caps, bread clips and other types of stuff to make collages and sculptures

  • twisties for making miniature wire sculpture or for joining things together

Get creative!

Homemade Art Materials

Clay: recipe links below

    • Play Clay (cooked) - pure white, hardens nicely

    • Lint Modeling Clay (cooked) - for coating objects or putting in molds

    • Oily Dough (uncooked) - basic play dough, gritty texture, not for drying. Page also includes a less gritty small batch recipe.

    • Quick Modeling Clay (uncooked) - basic play dough, makes a bright color clay, not for drying

    • Salt Modeling Clay (uncooked) - can roll and cut, press designs into it, and can dry or bake

Glue: recipe links below

    • Homemade Glue (cooked) - has the consistency of paper paste and glues papers, even cardboard! Video

Paint: recipe link below

  • Natural Paints: Red cabbage, coffee, tea, onion skins, old dead leaves from outside (like oak and maple), mud (yes - it makes a great paint!). Some spices, like turmeric and chili powder also yield great colors.

  • Marker paints: if you have dried up water-based markers, there is still color left! Using pliers, you can remove the felt tips and put them in a container of water. These make terrific vibrant watercolors!