Parent and student volunteers working together to promote school spirit and sustain MDI athletics


Wendy McKim

Wendy Littlefield


Wendy Littlefield

Funds raised by the boosters have paid for such items in the past as wrestling mats, team warm ups, banners, coaching clinics and speakers, video equipment, trophy cases, scoreboards, a defibrillator and much more.

You do not need to be member of the sports boosters to help volunteer.

You can volunteer to work concessions, the 50/50, bring in baked goods or an item to sell in the snack shack or just make a donation.

We all want be able to support our kids from the sideline so please consider signing up for one of the following events. We would like EVERY sport represented on our Boosters Club so please consider helping out today!

To volunteer for one of the above dates, contact Wendy Littlefield -