de Madame Linscott
Mai/May Challenge:
Get outside! How many things in nature can you say in French? Email your answer to Madame. Weekly winners will be announced.
Grades K-4 : Click on the tabs above to be directed to the elementary French class pages.
Middle School:
The Tremont Historical Society is looking for memoirs and journals of the pandemic. Students are invited to keep a French journal or create a daily routine of their experience. Instructions and steps are here:
Additional Activites for the month of May include:
- designing and writing about a clothing ensemble
- learning about the French composer Claude Debussy (see also Madame Putnam's webpage)
- describing a family photo
- continuing the online program Mango Languages
Office hours:
Middle school students can sign up for office hours on Tuesday and Thursdays here:
5th/6th Social Studies Click the chalkboard to the left to access the Google Classroom set up for this class.
Office hours sign up: