Maryland Defense Force
How to Volunteer
We’re excited that you’re interested in volunteering with the MDDF.
To join the MDDF you must meet all of the following conditions:
Over 18 years old and a citizen of the United States
Meet MDDF weight-to-height standards. CLICK HERE to view table.
Have a clean criminal record and a valid driver's license.
Live in Maryland or a contiguous state
Possess credentials befitting a vacant billet within the Maryland Defense Force
Under 65 years old (waivers available for certain skill sets and/or billets)
Successfully pass a comprehensive background check.
Prior military service applicants must have received an "Honorable" discharge documented in the discharge documents.
Must be able-bodied to perform the essential functions of the position.
Required Documents
Completion of the MDDF application form
Copy of your valid Driver's License (collected during a scheduled, in-person appointment)
Proof of U.S. Citizenship (Birth Certificate, U.S. Naturalization document, U.S. Passport)
Submit the following documents to
Professional Resume or CV
DD-214, NGB-22, or other military service record with social security number redacted, if prior service
Educational or professional documents such as professional licenses, certifications, educational transcripts and diplomas, and other professional training records as requested.
Membership Process
Contact the Recruiting Office at
Submit MDDF application form and required documents (see below)
Complete interview with Recruiter and designated Unit representative
Pass background check
Gain approval to enter Initial Entry Training (IET)
Take the Oath of Enlistment, participate and complete IET
Receive rank/grade and unit assignment
Initial Entry Training (IET)
All new volunteers are required to complete the MDDF's Initial Entry Training (IET) in-person. The training equips new volunteers with the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully interact in a military environment. Topics include, but not limited to: an overview of MDDF history, military communication and correspondence standards, drill and ceremony instruction, military ranks, customs and courtesies, emergency management tabletop exercise, uniform information, and more. IET includes one overnight training, as well as online independent study courses. Recruits that successfully complete IET will participate in a graduation ceremony, where they will receive the IET Diploma, their rank/grade and unit assignment in front of other MDDF members and family.
IET is available twice a year. New personnel that cannot attend the most immediate IET available will be placed on the Delayed IET Program (DIP) until the next available IET class. While in the Delayed IET Program, applicants will be allowed to participate in the monthly drills with their future unit of assignment and complete some of the related online IET training.
Failure to complete or attend IET will result in dismissal from the MDDF.
Talk to your recruiter for more details.
Time Commitment
Members are expected to attend monthly drills with their units and the annual muster at Camp Fretterd. Some units drill more frequently than once a month or at other locations. Additional mission assignments may be available for members when approved by their supervisor.
Appearance and Grooming Standards
The MDDF follows the U.S. Army Regulation 670-1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignias. This regulation includes appearance and grooming policies which set the standard for hair length, facial hair, piercings, nail length, and more. Your recruiter will review these standards with you. Requests for a waiver based on religious accommodations or medical issues may be considered.
New members will be provided uniform information during Initial Entry Training (IET). Recruits are responsible for the purchase of their uniforms and equipment, however some parts may be provided to you at no cost. Please refrain from purchasing or wearing a uniform during the membership process, prior to the start of the IET program.