MES Resource Room

Hi, I am Mrs. Jantzi and I have taught at MES for 31 years. I am the resource teacher and help lots of kids in lots of classrooms. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact me at or at 825-2158 Ext. 5163.

“I believe every child has hidden away somewhere in their being, capabilities which may be quickened and developed if we go about it the right way”

Helen Keller

E-Learning Assignments for the Resource Room: Students have been practicing these activities in the classroom. Click on the images below to access the following activities:

1. Hear Builder - Reading - 20 minutes - Log in at the MES website, go to student links, the Hear Builder icon is the first one. The login information should automatically appear.

2. - Reading/Writing - activities to equal to 15 minutes (This may not work on an IPAD.)

Suggested Activities:

· Connect the Dots

· Story Maker

· Out of Sight Words

· Fuzzy Bug Farm

· Sight Word Bingo

· Coconut vowels

· Super Word Toss – synonyms and antonyms

3. - Math - activities to equal to 15 minutes (This may not work on an IPAD.)

Suggested Activities:

· Blast Off Number Order

· Number Values

· Guess the Number

· Fuzz Bug - Sorting, Counting, and Comparing

· Learning Coins

· Math Lines Addition


· Assignments have been give to each student listed by their initials. Log in using the class code and password.

5. Make a memory today and write a story about it. We will edit and rewrite when you return to school. Can't wait to hear what you did!

6. Write a thank you note for someone at school. It can be a student or staff member and any format will do. We will deliver it when we return to school.

See ya'll soon!

I am available via email at during designated e-learning times. I will be checking this periodically to answer any questions you might have.

Parents (school staff - if working in the lab), please complete the exit ticket using the link below to verify the above assignments have been completed. That ticket will be sent digitally back to me.


Class Code: FT3BKY

Student Code: 1234

Students will click on their initials and complete the assignments given.

Hear Builder

Complete a reading session and in Hear Builder.

Students log in to this site weekly and will start by clicking on the icon.

abc ya

Choose a reading, writing and math activity to complete.

Students will work at their individual levels and need to complete 15 minutes of activities.