Math 2020


My goal is for students to feel successful in math class and feel competent in their math skills by the end of the year.

On the first week school each student will create a flipgrid video telling and showing us a little about them. Each student will complete the google Form questions on google classroom.

Quarter 2 Topics

This quarter we are working on converting fractions to decimals to percents, comparing fractions, adding decimals, dividing fractions in half and doubling fractions, collecting data, and graphing using bar graphs, pie charts, line plots, and pictographs.

Foundations of Math 2020-2021

Teacher: Mrs. Schmitz

Room 59 South Building

School Phone: (970) 249-2576 ext. 4075

Welcome back! I am so excited to teach 8th graders this year! I know we will have a great, productive year of learning and growing.

Supplies Needed:

One composition notebook



Google class code

Math Period 4: pmbbqgf

Remote Learning Week Expectations

Each class is divided into A groups (cohorts) and B groups (cohorts). This is typically done by last name.

· Cohort A = last names beginning with letters A – K

· Cohort B = last names beginning with letters L – Z

Week 1 (September 1st – 4th) Group B is at school and group A is learning at home.

Week 2 (September 8th – 11th) Group A is at school and group B is learning at home.

The groups keep flipping weeks throughout the year.

You will login to Google Meet at the beginning of each class for attendance and further assignment instructions. The link will be in your google classroom. Attendance will be taken within the first 10 minutes of class. If you login after that time, you will be counted absent.

Math Period 4 – Attendance

2:15 pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri.

1:30 pm Wed.


1. Braves rules apply to all meetings:

a. Be on time

b. Be respectful

c. Appropriate voice, language, and dress (no pajamas. Dress code)

d. Be responsible for your actions

When online, you must have your camera on so the teacher can see you and your audio on so you can hear the teacher and respond to questions.

2. Notebook: We will use one notebook; for bell work and notes given or taken during in person weeks.

3. Bell work: Given every day the student is in person and will be counted as part of their participation points for the week. Remote participation grade will be logging into Google Meet for attendance and that day's/week's assignments.

4. Homework: Weekly homework will be due every Friday when in person and the following Monday when remote for the week.

5. Grading: Based on completion of daily assignments (participation), tests, and homework.

Participation – 40%

IXL - 20%

Test – 20%

Homework – 20%

In addition to these expectations, I also have a strict no cell phone policy and my own expectations about student backpacks in my classroom. My policy on backpacks and cell phones are as follows:

1. Backpacks are permitted in my classroom and are to be utilized for carrying necessary supplies for my class. They may be stored by the student’s work area, or in a collective area in my classroom. If the backpack becomes a distraction, it will be moved to the collective area in my classroom. Food is not to be eaten during class from the backpack. Water bottles are encouraged.

2. Cell phones should be out of sight and silenced.

3. A face covering should be worn at all times while in my classroom-unless the student is in the designated “mask break” area.

If these expectations are not adhered to, these are the consequences:

· 1st time - the phone/backpack will be collected for the class period-student may have it at the end of the period.

· 2nd time- the phone/backpack will be collected for the remainder of the school day- student may come collect it at the end of the school day.

· 3rd time – the phone/backpack will be collected and held at the front office. Only the parent may retrieve the phone/backpack at this time and a meeting between the student, the parent and myself will need to happen.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact me at or call me at (970) 2492576 Ext. 4075. Please sign below along with your student demonstrating your understanding of my classroom expectations and have your student bring the bottom portion back to me.

Thank you,

Ami Schmitz