Mrs. Arrechea

Welcome to Kindergarten at Northside Elementary!

My name is Rachel Arrechea. I have been teaching kindergarten since 2008. I started teaching at Bennett School District, a small district east of Denver. I have been teaching here at Northside for the last 6 years! I was born and raised in Sandpoint, Idaho. Sandpoint is a small town in Northern Idaho. As you can see I am a small town kind of girl. I feel so much more at home when I run into people I know at the grocery store. So, if you see me out and about please say hi!

I have 2 boys and they keep me pretty busy when I am not working on kindergarten things. One boy, Alonso, will be starting kindergarten this year and Alejandro who will be starting preschool. During our summer breaks we love to travel. If you have any favorite spots you like get away to let me know!

I am looking forward to a great year! Thanks for letting me be part of child’s education.