Mrs. shaffer 4th grade

Hi! Mrs, Shaffer here, I have absolutely loved meeting all the new students and already forming such a strong bond with each student! I know we have not sent our homework, unless it's something they didn't finish in class, but that will change after conferences. Please keep a lookout for homework! Don't forget to sign up for conferences!

All about Mrs. shaffer

Hey friends! I am so excited to get back into the classroom! The pictures above are of me and my family. I have been teaching for 10 years both in person and online. I have taught in Arizona, Alaska, and now Colorado. I have my Master's degree in Education and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Administration. I have taught at Northside for two years, going on three years and I love it here! I have a daughter that is going into kindergarten here at Northside, her name is Ryland. My youngest daughter, Tobyn is 3 years old and goes to pre-school. This is going to be a great year and I cannot wait to build relationships with you all!
