Mrs. Mitchell's

Math and Science


Please take the time to check student's Google Classrooms and Student/Parent Portal. It is an important way I communicate daily with you and your student on progress, missing work and up-and-coming assignments.

I aspire to help you find success here and beyond. I am a compassionate person with the desire to make our class a positive place to work and learn. If you have any questions, concerns, or problems, please do not hesitate to see me. Let’s have a great year! ☺

  • Reminders:

Every week, students are expected to do an Achieve 3000 article and activity.

5 Dreambox lessons due on in person weeks only.

Mitchell's Math and Science Class Schedule (In person and remote)

Monday - Math

Tuesday - Science

Wednesday - Math

Thursday - Science

Friday - Math

Student Google Account

How to sign into your Google account.