Montana Science Teachers Association
Earth Science Resource Page
Hello fellow Earth Science teachers:
- I'm trying to create a good, searchable resource page (NGSS or not) for Earth Science teachers.
- Please click on the link below and add one of your favorite lessons! (Lessons are grouped by the tabs on the bottom.)
- **All lessons are free and must NOT be used for profit purposes. Therefore lessons do not have to be your own and can be found on the internet. This is just a database to share existing lessons.**
- Please click here for some of my own lessons!
- In addition, please check the calendar on the Events Page for upcoming MSTA events.
- If you would like to receive emails pertaining to upcoming events, please sign up here or use the Google Form below.
- If you have any suggestions on how to make this website more accessible, please add a comment in the Contact Info. section below.
- Lastly and most important, to increase the database with good lessons, please forward this website onto as many Earth Science teachers as possible! Thanks!
Sample lessons from MSTA's Earth Science Share-A-Thon. Thank you all for sharing!