Watkins Mill H.S. Work Based Learning

Career Preparation

Work Based Learning (WBL) helps students develop job skills, enhances career awareness and exploration, facilitates networking and supports career decisions

Learn by doing, turn knowledge into action

🩺  Internships

A paid or unpaid experience with an employer for students in Grade 11 and 12, it is an Advanced Level Credit bearing course to complete a CTE Program of Study. Requires 150 hours per 1.0 credit, can include multiple and different types of experiences with employers and professionals. Great resume builder & letter of recommendation for college.

💉   Apprenticeships

For 11 and 12 grade students, 450 paid hours at an employer. Youth Apprenticeships can lead to Registered Apprenticeships, all apprenticeship opportunities are authorized by the MD department of Labor. A credit bearing course of study that can be a high school completer and earns industry certification

Work Based Learning Objectives for Students

🩺   Explore the range of choices and opportunities within a career area

By exploring different career options, students can make more informed decisions, aligning their career paths with their interests, skills, and values

💉   Ease the transition between high school and post-secondary education and/or career choice

Ongoing transition planning fosters independence, helping students set and achieve their career and adult-living goals

⏲    Develop effective interpersonal skills for the workplace

Good interpersonal skills are fundamental to improved communication and enhanced relationships which is essential for successful teamwork and collaboration in a WBL

How to Enroll

1  Talk to the Internship Coordinator

Please come see Mr. Hao-Lan Chai or Mr. Ed Graf in room A001. 2023-2024 Interns please see Mr. Mandy Carbonaro

2  Talk to your Counselor

Make sure your schedule has the class Internship on it. Talk to your counselor to see how to adjust your class schedule.

3   Be Sure to Register on Remind!!

Don't want to miss out? Be sure to register on Remind to get important updates!

From Your Teachers

A little bit about me

Mr. Chai has been teaching over 19 years, including in Germany for 5 years with the Department of Defense Schools, coached Boys and Girls Varsity Volleyball, traveled to over 40 countries, and loves helping students reach their maximum potential. My door is always open, come by and have a chat.

A little bit about me

Mandy Carbonaro is the CCMA and Foundation in Medical Sciences teacher as well as the internship coordinator. She was a math teacher for 24 years and simultaneously a pharmacy technician. Her goal is to see all her students graduate and pass their certification exam, growing to achieve their dreams. Fun fact: she was in a Giant commercial at 17 years old and continued doing ads for five years.

Watkins Mill High School © 2024  |  Internships & Apprenticeships  |  Mr. Chai