
Math Course Sequences

When you should take which math class. Remember you need to be enrolled in at least one math class all four year of high school.  

Math Elective Course Descriptions 

Calculus with Applications  

is a non-AP level calculus course.  This introduction to calculus allows students to explore and apply calculus concepts including limits, derivatives and integrals.

AP Calculus AB 

topics are those traditionally offered in the first semester of calculus in college, and are designed for students who wish to obtain a semester of advanced placement in college. Topics include limits, continuity, derivatives, and integrals of algebraic and transcendental functions and their applications, and elementary differential equations.

AP Calculus BC 

topics are those traditionally offered in the first two semesters of calculus in college, and are designed for students who wish to obtain two semesters of advanced placement in college. Calculus BC includes all of the topics in Calculus AB, as well as convergence tests for series, Taylor or Maclaurin series, vector, polar, and parametric functions.

Multivariable Calculus 

covers three-dimensional analytic geometry and vectors; the calculus of functions of more than one variable, including partial derivatives, vector-valued functions, multiple integrals, volumes, surface area, differential equations and the classical theorems of Green, Stokes, and Gauss. 

AP Statistics 

engages students in the exploratory analysis of data, using graphical and numerical techniques. Data sets are collected using statistical design methods. Students produce appropriate models using probability, simulation, and statistical inference. Models are used to draw conclusions from data and analyzed by inferential methods to determine whether the data support or discredit the model. This course is equivalent to a non-calculus-based introductory college statistics course. 

Honors Statistics 

is a introduction to statistical concepts that include data analysis, probability, simulations, inferential statistics, normal and binomial distributions, techniques of sampling, confidence intervals, and hypotheses testing

Financial Mathematics 

is designed to enhance students’ abilities in mathematical decision making and financial literacy. Emphasis is on the mathematical aspects of savings and investments, loans and credit, budgeting, chance, decision making, and starting a business. (SENIORS ONLY) 

Statistics & Mathematical Modeling  (SAMMs)

is an introduction to statistics and the math that students need for college such as logic, matrices and a a review of concepts taught in Algebra 2. Two quarters are spent on statistics and 2 quarters are spent on other topics.