College & Career Center
Wheaton High School - College & Career Center
Ms. Rebeca Mejia, College & Career Information Coordinator | Email
Open Mon-Fri, 7:30am - 3:00pm | Phone: 301-321-3361 | Room 1003
Wheaton High School CEEB Code: 211085 | WHS Naviance Info
Welcome! The College & Career Center holds a wealth of information and resources for students as they ponder "life after high school." Parents and students can reach out or make an appointment with Ms. Mejia in the College & Career Center for assistance with college, career, or scholarship searches. The College & Career Center also has many resources and information regarding financial aid. This is especially important for eleventh and twelfth graders.
During the school year, the College & Career Center is open 7:30am - 3:00pm. Students can come in before school, after school, or during lunch. At any other time during the day, students may come down with a pass as long as a scheduled activity is not taking place. Parents & Guardians are also welcome to schedule an appointment via email. Zoom meetings are also available.