
6th Grade Science

Throughout this quarter, we will be learning many ways that ecosystems function. This project looks to put that new knowledge into practice.

Your job is to pick an ecosystem you would like to study. You will identify a problem that plagues that ecosystem, and identify a solution to that problem. As you do your research, you will fill in a slideshow with the required information for the project:

  • 2 services your ecosystem provides

  • a limiting factor that affects at least one organism

  • important abiotic and biotic features

  • a 10 organism food web, including the flow of energy through the web

  • 2 symbiotic relationships

  • a problem within the ecosystem

  • a solution to the problem

Click on the picture for a link to Britannica that includes basic information about that ecosystem.

Click here for the Sligo/MCPS Online Databases & Resource Services - this includes passwords that are needed for BrainPop, Gale in Context, and Learn 360.