Accommodation Supports

Please review this document for information about common assistive technology and accommodations and view the tools or resources that students have available. There are links to additional Google Read & Write supports included.

Note: This document was created by SCMS and is only meant for SCMS special education students and parents.

Distance Learning Guidance for Services, Accommodations, and SAS

MCPS Suggested Extensions and Tools for Students:

Google Read & Write Toolbar:

Bookshare Wed Extension for Chromebooks (if teacher assigns through Bookshare):

Read & Write for Google Chrome

A how to guide for students

Here is a video to help with the toolbar features.

Click on this link to watch the full playlist of using Google Read & Write on Google Chrome:

Read&Write for Chrome Playlist

Read & Write for Google Chrome - Text-to-Speech Options

Here is a video to help with the toolbar features.

Having trouble having text-to-speech work on Google Slides? Try the screenshot reader feature on the toolbar! Click here for more information: Read&Write for Google Chrome Screenshot Reader

Not using Google Chrome? Click here for how to use the Read & Write Toolbar on other internet services.

Using Read&Write for the new version of Microsoft Edge

TextHelp Support for Read&Write for Microsoft Edge


Immersive Reader

AVAILABLE on myMCPS Classroom pages with text!

Watch the video to the left to see how to use the Immersive Reader features!

*This features only works on myMCPS classroom or certain Microsoft applications

Split Screen

How to have a split screen on a chromebook without an extension.

Split screen is a helpful feature that allows you to see two tabs or windows at the same time. This is helpful if you need to read one document while typing in another, for example.

Edutopia's 10 Student Tested Chrome Extensions:

Read the reviews and try them out! Read the article here: