Learn more about your child's core classes, as well as, information for World Language and elective class offerings at RPMS!

Core Content Videos

Song 6.mp4


6th Grade Math Department Courses.mp4


PE/Health Articulation Jan 14, 2021 11:22 AM.webm

Physical Education/Health

6th Grade Articulation Meeting - Google Slides - 28 January 2022.mp4


6th Grade Articulation Video.mp4

Social Studies

World Language Videos

French 1ab.mp4

French 1 A/B

GMT20210105-152901_Lea-Love-m_1760x900 (1).mp4

Spanish 1A/B

Elective Class Videos

Rosa Parks Band Video.mp4


6th Grade Electives Video.mp4

Beginning Theater

Info Comm Tech 6th Grade.mp4

Information Communication Technology

Rosa Parks Orchestra Video.mp4


Studio Art 1 (6th Grade) Course Video .mp4

Studio Art 1

Technology and Design description video.mp4

Technology and Design