Robert Frost Middle School 

World Languages

Our Vision

To prepare all students to be linguistically and culturally competent in languages other than English in our increasingly diverse global community. 

World Languages Curriculums

Students learn and expand on the ability to communicate orally and in writing in a culturally appropriate manner about topics related to daily life. They interpret basic to detailed information when listening and reading. Vocabulary and basic grammatical structures are taught within the context of these familiar topics. Culture is embedded throughout the courses. 


Chinese 1A   

Welcome to Chinese Class/歡迎來中文班 (欢迎来中文班)

●  Getting Acquainted /認識你 (认识你)

●  Classroom /課堂 (课堂)

Chinese 1B

Personal Life/ 個人生活 (个人生活)

●  Family/家庭 

●  Daily Routines/日常生活 

●  Food Preferences/食物

Chinese 2A

My Life/我的生活 

●  The People Around Me/我周圍的人 (我周围的人)

●  Occupations/職業 (职业) 

●  Wellness/健康

Chinese 2B

Everyday Life/ 每天的生活 

●  Festivals & Celebrations/節日 (节日) 

●  School/學校(学校) 

●  Restaurant Experiences/飯館 (饭馆)

Chinese 3A

My environment 


● Pastimes and Weather/天氣(天气)

● Clothing and Shopping/購物與服裝(购物与服装)

Chinese 3B

The World Around Me

● Community/社區 (社区)

● Transportation/交通

● Travel/ 旅行


French 1A

●  1.1 - Bienvenue à la classe de français / Welcome to French Class

●  1.2 - Qu’est-ce que tu aimes ? / What do you like?

●  1.3 - La famille  /  Family

●  1.4 - À l’école et les cours  /  At School 

French 1B

●  1.5 - Les passe-temps  / Pastimes

●  1.6 - Les repas / Food

●  1.7 - Les vêtements  /  Clothing

●  1.8 - À la maison  /  House and Home

French 2A

●  2.1 - Ma famille, mes copains et moi / My Family, My Friends, and I

●  2.2 - Faisons la fête ! / Let’s Party!

●  2.3 - Faisons les courses !  /  Let’s Go Grocery Shopping!

●  2.4 - L’école et les cours  /  School and Classes

French 2B

●  2.5 - Mes routines quotidiennes  / My Daily Routines

●  2.6 - Quand j’étais petit / When I was Little

●  2.7 - Faisons du camping !  /  Let’s Go Camping!

●  2.8 - Comment tu te sens ?  /  How Do You Feel?

French 3A

●  3.1 -La rentrée desc classes  / Back to School 

● 3.2 -Au travail / At Work 

● 3.3 -Les amis et la famille  /  Friends and Family 

● 3.4 -Au grand air !  /  The Great Outdoors 

French 3B

● 3.5 -Les actualitiés  / The New 

● 3.6 -L’écologie / Ecology 

● 3.7 -Partons en voyage /  Let’s Travel! 

● 3.8 -Les arts  /  The Arts 


Spanish 1A

●  Unidad 1.Intro Me Presento / Introductions

●  Unidad 1.1 Mis gustos y talentos / My Likes and Talents

●  Unidad 1.2 Mi día en la escuela / My Day at School

●  Unidad 1.3 Nuestro Hogar / Our Home

Spanish 1B

●  Unidad 1.Repaso Así somos / Who We Are

●  Unidad 1.4 La comida / Food

●  Unidad 1.5 Mi tiempo libre / My Free Time

●  Unidad 1.6 Las vacaciones / Vacation

Spanish 2A

●  Unidad 2.1 Regreso a clases / Return to Classes

●  Unidad 2.2 La vida familiar / Family Life

●  Unidad 2.3 Una comunidad ideal / An Ideal Community

Spanish 2B

●  Unidad 2.4 ¡Te invito a cocinar! / Let’s Cook!

●  Unidad 2.5 Tiempo para compartir / Our Time Together

●  Unidad 2.6 Un viaje memorable / A Memorable Trip

Spanish 3A

●  Unidad 3.1 Nuestra generación / Our Generation

●  Unidad 3.2 #elmundodigital / #thedigitalworld

●  Unidad 3.3 El bienestar / Wellness

Spanish 3B

●  Unidad 3.4 Nuestro planeta / Our Planet

●  Unidad 3.5 Mi futuro profesional / My Future Career

●  Unidad 3.6 La solidaridad / Solidarity

 Meet the Teachers

Katherine mercado

World Languages 

Content Specialist

Spanish 1

Magali Barbarán

Spanish 2 

Spanish 3

Tsuey-lan Hsu

Chinese 1

Chinese 2 

Chinese 3

 Ernesto Lara

Spanish 1

 Spanish 2

nora temkin

French 1

French 2

French 3