Applying ATL Skills

Approaches to Learning

A personal project is an opportunity to choose, use and develop the learning skills that we have been developing as MYP students. These skills are essential to our learning in all of our content areas, as well as in the world outside the classroom.

In the personal project, students should be able to:

i. explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their learning goal

ii. explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their product.


How can I think critically?

How can I think creatively?

How can I transfer skills and knowledge across disciplines and subject groups?


How can I communicate through interaction?

How can I demonstrate communication through language?


How can I demonstrate information literacy?

How can I demonstrate media literacy?


How can I collaborate with others?


How can I demonstrate organization skills?

How can I manage my own state of mind?

How can I be reflective?

Learner Profile

This is a link to the whole ATL skills framework and the Learner Profile trait descriptions.