

(Must be logged in with MCPSMD username to access)

Destiny: Use our catalog to find ebooks as well as learning links to many of our online resources! 

Destiny: Use our catalog to find ebooks as well as learning links to many of our online resources! 

Have a suggestion for something we should buy for the library?? Fill out this form and let Mrs. Vincent know!

Sora: Log in with your and your regular password. Remember to return these books when you're done reading, just like you would a print book from the library!!

How to use SORA and link to MCPL 

Capstone: Read as many as you want, whenever you want! You don't have to worry about returning these, and lots of people can read them at the same time! 

Epic Books: Use the information from your teacher to log in and read books from 7:30am-4pm Monday-Friday. 

Check out their AUDIOBOOKS! Listen to a book for a screen break!