Physical Education

Resource links

 🤕Short Term Illness or Injury Link

The Physical Education Physician Contact Form is required for students who will miss more than five days of physical education class due to illness or injury.  Failure to return the form can result in failure of the course and/or loss of the physical education credit. Anything less than 5 days, a parent note is required excusing the student from physical activity. 

👕 MCPS and Frost Physical Education Dress Code Guidelines

Taken from MCPS Physical Education Dress Code Guidelines
Physical education students should wear clothing and footwear that allows for safe & free movement and is conducive for learning, protection and performance, as defined as: 

In secondary schools (middle and high schools), students

Other things to consider when dressing for PE…

🌞MCPS Weather Guidelines Link

📱 Cell Phone Policy - ALL DAY AWAY

Physical Education Uniforms 

Available for purchase by registering at School Cash Online to purchase directly online or use the paper order form to buy in school with cash or check. 

PE Clothes Prices